Most Recent Work Experience
December 2021 - Present
August 2021 - December 2021
June 2021 - August 2021
ARIES Project
The Robots are Coming!
Bahar Robot Lab
Affordable Robotic Intelligence for Elderly Support is a project designed to build low-cost robotic cats that provide companionship to older adults and assistance to their caregivers.
The Robots are Coming! Was a class lead by Professor Iris Bahar and artist Eva Goetz at Brown University. It focused on the intersection of ethics, robotics, and art, and delivered a large-scale robotic sculpture that was displayed in the lobby of Brown Univeristy's Engineering Research Center for several months.
My work at the Bahar Robotics Lab at Brown University consisted of repairing and testing interbotix roboitc arms and rovers, and then finding applications for them in the context of POMDP research.
A Bit About Me
Hi, I'm Thomas. I graduated from Brown University with a masters in computer science and a bachelors in computer engineering. While in school, I focused on full stack software development, hardware engineering, robotics, machine learning and computer vision. Along the way, I learned how to use more tools than I can count, and more importantly, how to pick up new tools and skills quickly. I've worked with verilog, C, arduino C++, racket, Ocaml, java, python, go, and react. I know my way around CAD software, 3D printers, oscilloscopes, FPGAs, and hand tools. I've had a passion for all things computer-related since I started playing LEGO Star Wars games on my Dad's windows XP laptop back in 2005. Now, I'm excited to apply my passion and skill to more engineering applications in professional contexts.

In addition to computer engineering, I have a lifelong passion for all things aquatic and marine. I practically grew up at the New England Aquarium, and am an avid swimmer. I've seen Blue Planet more times than I can count and recently have been doing more and more fishing. I'm especially interested in applying my engineering skills to the marine space, in particular marine robotics.

When I was growing up, my parents traveled for work, and often brought me along. Wherever we went, I always wanted to go to the local aquarium or snorkel. To date, here is a list of places I've been, and I'm in the process of getting my SCUBA certification.
Seaworld San Diego
Aquarium of the Pacific - Long Beach
San Francisco Bay
Monterrey Bay
Seaworld Orlando
Miami Seaquarium
New York
Montreal Biodome
Atlantis, Bahamas
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Florida Keys - Sombrero Reef and Looe Key
St. Thomas and St. James, US Virgin Islands
Hol Chan Reserve and Blue Hole, Belize
Silfra, Iceland
Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt
Other quick facts!
I'm a big Star Wars fan, it has inspired me greatly to pursue robotics, exploration, and engineering.
I love to cook. In college I learned how to make a perfect carbonara
I played varsity tennis in high school and now have a love of all things sports.